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Website Tools, Tips, and Information Page

This page contains some things to help you with your website. We add content here on an ongoing basis so it pays to check in occassionally to see what’s new.


Clear, crisp images play an important role in a web page. Using images can enhance a page and make it more inviting to the reader. Images need to be properly sizxed and compressed BEFORE they are uploaded to the Media Library.

Content Creation

For blog posts we like to see around 500 words of content. For a website page we recommend a minimum of 1,000 words of SEO optimized content. We have created a PDF document on using a free tool to help write great content.

Local SEO

Patch is a “neighborhood social media” website. You can create a free account on your local Patch page and then post free classified ads. These ads will get indexed by Google and result in a high domain rated backlink to your website.