Keeping Up In The Online World
Let’s take a look at some recent website news and see what’s new.
WORDPRESS: We’re big fans of WordPress and use it for 99% of our websites. W3Techs keeps track of statistics for the internet and they just announced that WordPress now powers 40% of the web. That’s up from 35% just a few months ago – huge growth.
SSL: 82% of websites now use SSL certificates for additional security. We use SSL security certificates on every site we build.
HTTPS: 91% of the top 1000 sites are using HTTPS by default.
SQUARESPACE: Squarespace is now the 4th most popular content management system overtaking Drupal and Wix.
GMAIL: 18.4% of websites and 37.9% of the top 1000 websites use Gmail as email service provider.
One thing you can count on when it comes to the internet is constant change. As business guru Tom Peters once said, “If you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.”