Memorial Day – A Day to Celebrate, Honor and Reflect
Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of Summer vacation season. We celebrate in many ways; cookouts, camping, fishing, boating, family get togethers and a three day weekend of taking life easy.
This federal holiday observed on the last Monday in May is a day created to remember those brave souls who died while serving our country. It was originally known as decoration day and was established in 1868 by the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). I recently discovered my Great Great Great Grandfather served in the GAR and this brings Memorial Day a little “closer to home”.
There have been many things written about how we should make sure to remember the reason for this holiday as we gather with our loved ones but I think it’s important to take a little extra time this year to reflect on the sacrifices made by our armed forces. The world is a scary place and seems to get a little scarier all the time. There are threats to our freedom from every corner of the world. We sometimes take our freedom for granted, like it will always be there for us. Our freedom exists because time and time again we have fought for it. Those men and women who serve our great country are the ones who do the fighting for us and they are the ones we honor this Memorial Day.
As you and your family go about your holiday festivities don’t forget to take a minute to remember why we celebrate this Memorial Day of ours. We live in the greatest country on earth and we all owe a debt to the men and women who keep us safe from harm and allow us the freedoms we enjoy.
“No people in all history paid a higher price for freedom. And no people have done so much to advance the dignity of man. We are called materialistic. May be so, but our materialism has made our children the biggest, tallest, most handsome, and intelligent generations of Americans yet. They will live longer with fewer illnesses, learn more, see more of the world, and have more success in realizing their personal dreams and ambitions than any other people in any other period of our history – because of our materialism. I think on our side is civilization and on the other side is the law of the jungle. We all have to recognize that this country has been handed the responsibility, greater than any nation, to preserve some 6000 years of civilization against the barbarians.”
President Ronald Reagan
Happy Memorial Day!