Have You Been a Victim of Deceptive Marketing?
If you have a website, you have probably received one of these in the mail. If you did, I hope you did not send these people any money. This is a marketing mailer that looks a lot like an invoice for $289. It’s not! It’s purely marketing. We received this in the mail and wondered how many unsuspecting people would open this and simply send a check for $289.

The company behind this particular mailer is Domain Networks out of North Carolina. If you check out the FAQ on their website it says: “What you received in the mail is not a bill. This is an advertisement for our domain listing services.” So what do you get for your $289? According to their website, “We offer a premium listing service that helps your business rank higher on search engines. We use unique and updated white-hat tactics to help drive more traffic and customers to your website or local business.” Yeah, I think I’ll pass. Even if that were true I am turned way off thanks to the way they try to scam you into sending them payment.
Deceptive Marketing? We sure think so.
What do you think? It sure looks like a bill to me. It even has a perforation so you can tear off the bottom portion and return it along with your payment. This is wrong and not ethical. Don’t fall for it.
If you get mail asking you for payment, please – do some checking before sending any money. If you’re not sure, call us or use our Contact Form. We’ll be happy to help sort it out with you.