If you are a fan of Chevrolet’s
Corvette sports car then you may have heard of
Vettes On The River – the all-Corvette show held on the Mississippi River levee in historic LeClaire, Iowa. What you might not know is the Team 218 designed and maintains the website for this show.The website features online registration for the show as well as online shopping for hats, visors, t-shirts, and polo shirts. This Corvette show has been recognized as one of the “
Top 6 Corvette Events in the Midwest” and drew
over 500 Corvettes from all over the country in 2017. So far in 2018 there are 487 Corvettes registered to attend with 30 days of registration left.All of the proceeds (and we mean 100%) is donated to local Quad City area Vietnam Veterans groups. This event is organized and operated strictly by volunteers from the community. Veterans, members of the Mid-West Corvette Club, employees from the local Arconic plant, even local Boy Scouts pitch in. Team 218 donates our services at no cost as this is an event we believe in and know how much it means to our Veterans.If you have a Corvette and would like to participate or if you’d like to learn more about this event, please visit
Vettes On The River. The event is free to the public and takes place on the LeClaire levee on August 25th, 2018.See you on the levee!