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Get Your Free SEO Consultation

Our team of certified SEO experts will audit your website, uncover untapped keywords, and map out a customized organic growth plan tailored for your business.

In your free 1-on-1 consultation, you’ll get:

  • A comprehensive technical audit identifying SEO issues to fix
  • Advice on optimizing site content for higher rankings
  • A prioritized list of ranking opportunities and growth areas
  • An organic growth blueprint outlining the strategy for dominating search rankings

Don’t leave the future of your online visibility to chance. This is your chance to gain insights from real SEO pros who do this day in and day out for top companies.

There’s no obligation to work with us after the consultation. Let our experts show you what is possible.

Claim your free SEO strategy session now while slots are open!

Are You Struggling to Get Found Online?

Discover the Secrets to Ranking Higher with Our Organic SEO Blueprint

As a business owner, you know that having an online presence is no longer optional. But simply having a website isn’t enough to attract customers and drive growth. You need to make sure potential customers can actually find your site.

That’s where organic search engine optimization (SEO) comes in.

At Team 218, we help businesses improve their search rankings and get seen by more of their ideal customers. We utilize proven SEO techniques to help your website show up higher in search engines like Google – for the keywords and phrases that matter most to your business.

The best part? All of our strategies follow search engine best practices so you get results the right way. No shady tricks or risky shortcuts.

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Organic SEO Drives Traffic

Listen, having an awesome looking website is great, but it won’t do you much good if customers can’t find the dang thing, right? That’s why search engine optimization (or SEO for short) is so crucial.

Basically SEO helps bump your web pages to the top when people search for related stuff in Google. So instead of being buried on page 10 where nobody will click, you get on that first page where all the action is. The higher spot you claim, the more targeted traffic you pull in.

Now I know learning SEO can sound confusing and overly-techie at first. But it’s actually pretty straightforward once you get the hang of a few best practices. First, you’ve gotta use keywords and phrases people are actually searching for, then work them naturally into your content so Google takes notice. Sprinkle them in your titles, subtitles, etc.

Point is, with some time invested upfront and refinements along the way, SEO success can take that little website of yours into the big leagues traffic-wise. And you can turn those site visitors into real-life paying customers.


Great Content When Visitors Arrive

You nailed the SEO game, congrats! You climbed the search engine mountain, hacked through keyword jungles, and landed on the coveted page one. But hold your horses, the champagne can wait. Because if your content sucks, that hard-earned traffic will vanish faster than a sandcastle in a tsunami.

See, SEO is like the bouncer at a club, it gets you past the velvet rope. But it’s the amazing content inside that makes people ditch their coats, grab a drink, and settle in for the night. It’s the smooth talker that turns curious browsers into loyal fans, the juicy burger that makes the whole SEO operation worthwhile.

So, don’t forget the content magic once you’ve conquered the search robots. Write something awesome, something that speaks to your audience’s deepest desires, something that makes them click “buy” faster than you can say “conversion rate.” Because in the real world, where wallets open and close, content is the real star of the show.

Effective Online Marketing

If you’re serious about giving your website a boost, it’s time to consider the power of organic search engine optimization (SEO). By employing proven strategies and methods, organic SEO can increase your site’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). This is especially crucial for eCommerce websites looking for a competitive edge. So, how can you unlock the power of organic SEO to achieve online success? Here are a few tried-and-tested techniques to get you started.

First and foremost, focus on creating high-quality content. Over the years, search engines like Google have evolved to prioritize content that answers users’ questions accurately and effectively. By consistently providing top-notch content in your niche, you can improve your organic search rankings and foster trust and authority among your audience. Remember, user experience should always come first. This is a golden rule with organic SEO.

Optimize Your Pages

Next, optimize your web pages with targeted keywords. While it’s true that keyword stuffing is a thing of the past, incorporating relevant keywords in your content, meta tags, and URLs can still benefit your organic search presence. Be sure to conduct thorough keyword research and focus on long-tail keywords to attract the right audience. Additionally, it’s essential to track your organic search performance regularly and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.

A crucial aspect of organic SEO is building high-quality backlinks. These connections between your website and others serve as endorsements, signaling to search engines that your site is reputable and trustworthy. To acquire these valuable links, consider guest posting on relevant blogs, collaborating with non-competitive industry partners, and engaging with influencers to share your content. The more high-quality links you can accumulate, the better your organic search rankings will be.

Technical SEO

Finally, technical SEO cannot be overlooked. Ensuring your web pages load quickly, are mobile-friendly, and have a clean site structure will not only improve the user experience but can also boost your organic search rankings. Regularly audit your site to identify and fix technical issues, and keep up with the latest web development trends to stay ahead of the competition.

Unlocking the power of organic SEO might seem like a daunting task, but with a little dedication and persistence, your website can reach its full potential in the rapidly changing online world. Start implementing some of these strategies today, and you’ll soon see the transformative effects of organic search engine optimization on your site and overall online presence.

Organic vs Paid Marketing: Understanding the Key Differences

Let’s look at why the discussion of organic search vs paid search is important for your business? The key differences between these two search options determine how your website gets noticed and reaches your clients. Knowing the ins and outs of organic and paid search paves the way for an effective digital marketing strategy, helping propel your business in the right direction. Let’s dive in and understand the fundamental distinctions between organic search and paid search, and what it means for your business.

Organic search results stem from a search engine’s algorithm – these aren’t sponsored or paid for. When users input a query in a search engine like Google, the engine displays a set of results it considers most relevant and helpful. Achieving a high rank in organic search results takes time and effort, through on-page and off-page SEO techniques. As algorithms constantly evolve, your SEO strategy also needs to adapt accordingly. Organic SEO is certainly going to test your patience, but the investment is worth it when you start noticing a steady flow of website traffic and an unrivaled online reputation.

On the other hand, paid search results, or ads, are just that – paid! Business owners pay search engines to display their ads on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Paid search works on a bidding system where businesses bid on specific keywords relevant to their products or services. The highest bidders land the top spots within the search results, usually denoted as ads. It’s important to note that while paid search can bring immediate results, it’s a short-lived success that only lasts as long as you’re willing to splurge on ad budgets.


Organic SEO Iowa
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To sum it up, organic search has a long-term approach, gradually improving your website’s rankings through continuous optimization. Paid search, however, is a quick-fix solution, giving you instant exposure at the cost of potentially hefty ad expenditures. Deciding which approach suits your business boils down to your marketing goals, budget, and timeline. But keep in mind, a successful digital marketing strategy often incorporates a mix of both organic and paid search efforts. Combine the power of organic search for long-lasting results and a healthy online presence, with a dash of paid search to satisfy your immediate need for visibility. This harmony between both strategies is arguably the perfect recipe for your business to thrive in the digital realm.

Effective Content Marketing: How to Boost Your Search Engine Rankings

It’s no secret that effective content marketing can significantly boost your search engine rankings. Organic search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in driving relevant traffic to your website.

By understanding the importance of organic SEO and implementing proven SEO techniques, you’ll be better equipped to unleash your website’s potential and stand out among the competition.

One of the most essential elements of organic SEO is creating high-quality content that appeals to search intent. By providing valuable and informative content, you’ll not only improve your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), but you’ll also foster trust and credibility amongst your target audience.

A well-planned content marketing strategy goes beyond simply adding keywords to your webpages; it involves crafting memorable, engaging, and shareable content that resonates with your audience and compels them to take action.

SEO content should also be regularly updated to maintain its relevance and freshness. Staying on top of the latest trends and insights in your niche will not only help you produce timely content but also highlight your expertise and authority in your industry.

Integrating social media into your content marketing efforts can further extend your reach and influence, enabling you to connect with a broader audience and foster engagement in online conversations.

Another effective way to enhance your organic SEO is through the strategic use of testimonials and case studies. These powerful tools serve as social proof, demonstrating the value of your products or services and convincing potential clients to choose your company over others. By showcasing genuine client experiences, you can build trust and credibility, helping improve your search rankings and conversion rates.

In addition to creating captivating and relevant content, it’s essential to optimize your website’s on-page SEO by fine-tuning meta tags, headings, URLs, and other structural elements. A well-organized site with a clear menu structure will not only make it easier for users to navigate and find valuable information but also simplify the process for search engines to crawl and index your pages.

Ensuring your website’s technical health by resolving issues like broken links, slow page load times, and mobile compatibility will further strengthen your organic SEO efforts and enhance the user experience.

In conclusion, the key to unlocking your website’s potential and boosting your search engine rankings lies in effective content marketing and the implementation of proven organic SEO techniques. By focusing on producing quality, relevant content that addresses search intent, optimizing your on-page SEO, and incorporating testimonials, you’ll be well on your way to achieving online success and driving more traffic, leads, and sales.

Boost your search engine rankings
SEO techniques
Organic SEO

White Hat & Black Hat SEO Techniques

When it comes to search engine optimization, it’s important to ensure that your organic SEO techniques are ethical and professional. This means understanding the key differences between white hat and black hat SEO. The use of ethical methods in optimizing a website’s search engine rankings can help provide a lasting, positive impact on its online presence. With this strong foundation in place, you’ll be able to experience the full potential of organic search engine optimization and unlock the power of effective content marketing.

White hat SEO refers to organic SEO techniques that are in line with search engine guidelines and focus on providing value to users. These methods are recommended by SEO professionals and include creating high-quality content, optimizing on-page elements, building a responsive website, and earning authoritative backlinks. By employing white hat methods, you can improve your search engine rankings over time and ensure that your website is viewed as credible and trustworthy. This approach will not only foster user engagement and satisfaction but also ultimately lead to better online performance.

On the other hand, black hat SEO involves manipulative tactics designed to dishonestly boost a website’s search engine rankings. These techniques are frowned upon by search engines, and employing them can lead to severe penalties, decreased rankings, or even complete removal from search results. Examples of black hat SEO include keyword stuffing, utilizing hidden text or links, and creating spammy or poorly written content. By using these methods, you risk damaging your online reputation and negating any potential benefits of organic search engine optimization.

To ensure that your organic SEO techniques stay ethical, it’s essential to work with an experienced professional who will provide guidance and support throughout the process. A well-rounded SEO strategy should involve ongoing monitoring and adjustment to stay ahead of the ever-evolving search engine algorithms and best practices. By partnering with a knowledgeable expert, you can unlock the full potential of organic SEO and experience long-term success in the online world.

In conclusion, organic search engine optimization is a powerful tool for enhancing your website’s online presence and driving targeted traffic. By employing ethical and professional SEO techniques, you can build a solid foundation that will ensure lasting results. Don’t risk the consequences of using black hat methods – make the smart choice to invest in white hat organic SEO. With the right support, you’ll be able to navigate the complexities of search engine optimization and unleash your website’s potential for online success.

Elevate Your Website’s Appeal

Search engines have a soft spot for organic search engine optimization (SEO), and it’s no surprise why. Organic SEO prioritizes quality, relevance, and user satisfaction, making it not only beneficial to your website but also an excellent long-term investment for your business. This article will explore why search engines love organic SEO, and how it can provide numerous advantages for your website.

One reason search engines love organic SEO is that it keeps their search results free of spam and low-quality content. Instead of relying on paid advertisements or black-hat tactics, organic search engine optimization focuses on improving a site’s overall quality to naturally rank higher in search results. This ensures that users are presented with the best possible answers to their queries, ultimately leading to a more positive user experience.

Another reason search engines are fond of organic SEO is its reliance on relevant keywords. By carefully selecting and incorporating the right keywords into your site’s content, organic SEO helps improve your site’s visibility in terms of both quality and relevance. This is crucial for businesses that want to rank higher for specific search terms, as it enables them to attract more targeted traffic to their site, ultimately leading to increased conversions and sales.

Furthermore, organic search engine optimization takes into account the overall user experience, which is something both search engines and users appreciate. This includes aspects such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and easy navigation, all of which contribute to a smoother browsing experience for visitors. By prioritizing these factors, organic SEO helps increase the likelihood that users will stay on your site longer and return for future visits.

Search engines appreciate the ethical nature of organic SEO. Unlike black hat techniques, which attempt to exploit weaknesses in search engine algorithms to gain higher rankings, organic SEO adheres to the established rules and guidelines set forth by search engines. By following these ethical practices, your business can build a more positive reputation in the eyes of search engines and users alike.

Lastly, organic SEO focuses on creating high-quality content that adds value to your site. By regularly publishing useful, engaging, and informative content on your site, you demonstrate to search engines that your site is a valuable resource for users. This not only supports your organic search rankings, but also encourages users to share your content with others, further expanding your online presence and credibility.

In conclusion, organic search engine optimization offers many benefits to both your website and search engines. By prioritizing quality, relevance, and user satisfaction, organic SEO ensures your site ranks higher in search results, driving more targeted traffic and unlocking its full potential. By adopting ethical and effective organic SEO techniques, you lay the groundwork for long-term success and growth for your business.

Getting Started with SEO: Tools and Resources

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it’s crucial for businesses to focus on organic search engine optimization (SEO) to stay ahead of the game. Organic SEO is vital for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can result in increased traffic, leads, and sales. In this article, we’ll explore some essential tools and resources for getting started with organic SEO.

When it comes to organic SEO, keywords play a significant role. They help search engines understand the content on your page, allowing them to rank it accordingly. To find the right keywords for your site, you can use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer, which provide valuable insights into keyword search volumes, competition, and related terms.

Once you’ve identified your target keywords, it’s time to optimize your pages. This includes incorporating the keywords naturally in your content, title tags, meta descriptions, and alt attributes. Be sure to also interlink related pages and create an easy-to-navigate menu structure to allow both search engines and users to find your content effortlessly.

High-quality content is an essential factor in organic search engine optimization success. Creating engaging, informative, and share-worthy content will not only earn you more social media shares but also attract valuable backlinks from authoritative sites. Regularly posting fresh content on your blog, updating your website’s static pages, and sharing your expertise on social media are all great ways to keep your audience engaged and continue building trust with Google and other search engines.

A professional organic SEO service provider with years of experience can offer invaluable support in optimizing your website for search. These digital marketing experts can help you develop a tailored organic SEO strategy, using white hat techniques in line with search engine guidelines to ensure long-term success. Additionally, they may provide services like social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and web analytics to further enhance your online presence.

Finally, staying informed of the latest SEO trends and best practices should be a key part of your ongoing organic search strategy. By regularly reading industry news, blogs, and attending webinars, you’ll be better equipped to adapt your approach as the world of SEO evolves. Some excellent resources for this include Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, and Moz Blog.

Organic search remains an essential factor for your website’s success in the digital age. By utilizing the right tools, seeking professional support, and continually staying up-to-date with industry news, you’re well on your way to unleashing your website’s full potential with organic SEO.

Should You Hire an SEO Agency or Consultant for Your Organic SEO Needs?

If you’re looking to improve your website’s performance and visibility, then organic search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. Organic SEO helps ensure that your site gets high-quality traffic by optimizing it for relevant keywords and creating valuable content. Given its importance, the question arises: should you hire an SEO agency or consultant to handle your organic SEO needs?

There are several benefits to hiring a professional for your site’s search engine optimization. An experienced SEO agency or consultant can provide you with tailored strategies that suit your specific business requirements. They can also help you identify the right keyword and phrases to target the most relevant audience for your offerings. Moreover, by outsourcing your organic SEO needs, you’re free to focus on other aspects of your business, such as expanding your services or improving your site design.

A competent SEO professional should have a solid understanding of search engine algorithms and ranking factors. This expertise ensures that the techniques they employ to improve your site’s visibility and rankings are safe, effective, and ethical. In addition, these experts often have experience working with clients across various industries, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of quality practices and industry standards.

Besides, many SEO agencies and consultants offer additional services, such as social media management and paid ads campaigns. This means that they can provide you with a complete online marketing package, helping you achieve your objectives more efficiently. However, it is crucial to choose a professional who focuses on organic SEO strategies, as these techniques generally yield more sustainable results than paid ads.

When looking for an SEO agency or consultant to handle your project, you should consider factors such as their experience, proven success with previous clients, and the range of services they offer. Another essential aspect is their ability to keep up with the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization, employing the latest strategies and staying ahead of industry updates. Additionally, you should assess their communication skills and responsiveness, as these qualities are crucial for establishing a productive working relationship.

In conclusion, hiring an SEO agency or consultant can help you leverage the full potential of organic search engine optimization for your website. By entrusting your SEO efforts to a professional, you can ensure that your site enjoys increased visibility, higher-quality traffic, and improved rankings over time. As a result, this investment may well be worth considering if you’re serious about your online success in today’s competitive digital landscape.


Organic SEO, also known as organic search engine optimization, is a fundamental strategy used to enhance website rankings in unpaid search results on popular search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. This approach focuses on employing various techniques to improve visibility and increase organic traffic to a website without relying on paid advertisements. It involves conducting keyword research, implementing effective link building strategies, creating high-quality content, and employing other optimization tactics to improve search engine rankings.

In the realm of organic SEO, content marketing plays a pivotal role. By creating valuable and relevant content that aligns with users’ search intent, websites can attract and engage their target audience. Content marketing encompasses the creation and dissemination of informative articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, and other forms of media to establish expertise, build brand authority, and ultimately drive organic traffic to a website.

When it comes to search engine result pages (SERPs), organic search results refer to the non-paid listings displayed by search engines based on their relevance to the user’s query. Unlike paid search results, organic search results cannot be influenced or purchased by advertisers. Search engines evaluate various factors, such as the quality of content, website authority, and user experience, to determine the most relevant and valuable results for users.

Organic SEO is crucial for businesses and website owners who seek long-term sustainable growth and visibility in search engine rankings. It enables them to establish a strong online presence, attract targeted organic traffic, and potentially convert visitors into customers or clients. By implementing organic SEO strategies effectively, businesses can improve their visibility on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, ultimately leading to increased brand exposure and potential business opportunities.

In conclusion, organic SEO encompasses various techniques and strategies to improve website rankings in unpaid search results. Content marketing plays a significant role in organic SEO, focusing on creating valuable and relevant content to engage target audiences. Organic search results are non-paid listings determined by search engines based on relevance and cannot be influenced by advertisers. By leveraging organic SEO tactics, businesses can enhance their online presence, attract targeted organic traffic, and achieve long-term growth in the digital landscape .

SEO Components & Techniques

The goal of an organic SEO campaign is to drive relevant traffic to your website from a search engine, and ideally, turn that traffic into leads and sales. The more relevant traffic you get to your site, the better. If you can rank highly in organic search results, you can drive more qualified traffic than ever before.

You know it’s important to have a strong SEO strategy to help your website rank higher. You’re getting all the basics down—optimizing your content, adding keywords, creating compelling calls to action, and so on.

But there’s so much more you can do to make your site “Google-friendly,” and the best way to do that is to understand what Google wants to see.

Key Components of Organic SEO

Title tags: The words that appear directly below an image and link in search results. These words appear in the first few lines of a page. In order to make a page rank highly in organic search, the title should be optimized and include important keywords.

URL:  The address or location of a page on the internet. This information appears in the location bar of a browser when a user enters a website. When a user visits your website, the browser shows the website’s URL. URLs are separated by periods (.).

Meta description:  Often used to describe a page in a way that appears in search results. A meta description is a brief blurb that appears beneath a website’s URL in search results.

Core Web Vitals: Core Web Vitals are a collection of performance measures that assess a website’s speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. Google has selected these metrics as signals for measuring the quality of a user’s experience on a website. They are deemed essential for the user experience.

Core Web Vitals are categorized as follows:

Time to First Byte (TTFB), First Contentful Paint (FCP), and Speed Index are examples of speed metrics that quantify the loading performance of a webpage.

These metrics assess the responsiveness of a website and include Time to Interactive (TTI) and Total Blocking Time (TBT) (TBT).

Visual stability metrics: These metrics, which include Cumulative Layout Shift, quantify the visual stability of a website (CLS).
Google believes the following to be a good score for each of these metrics:

TTFB should be less than 200 milliseconds, FCP should be less than 2.5 seconds, and Speed Index should be less than 3.5 seconds.
TTI should be less than 3.50 seconds and TBT should be fewer than 300 milliseconds.
Metrics for visual stability: CLS should be less than 0.1.

Improving these metrics can have a favorable effect on the user experience by resulting in faster loading times, more responsive interactions, and a more stable visual layout. In addition, Google’s algorithm uses Core Web Vitals as a ranking element, therefore raising these scores can also have a favorable effect on a website’s search engine ranks.

Various strategies, including as lowering the size of pictures, minifying code, utilizing a content delivery network (CDN), and optimizing the essential rendering path, can be used by website owners to enhance their scores on these metrics. In addition, there are tools, such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, and Chrome DevTools, that can help identify and diagnose Core Web Vitals issues.

Mobile-friendliness: If a website isn’t mobile-friendly, search engines won’t display it in search results, and you’ll miss out on tons of potential traffic.

Headings: The H1 tag (often called the “headline”) is the most important heading on a page. It represents the most important content on a page. H2 tags are secondary headings. The heirarchy of headings is important. Your headings should be in order. You don’t want a H3 followed by an H2. You should have a single H1 tag.

Image alt text: An image’s alt tag is an alternative text tag for any image that is included on a page. The image’s alt text provides additional information about the image that is not displayed in the image itself. This information is not only important for SEO – it is also used by screen readers for visually impoaired users.

Internal linking: Links from a page to other pages. These internal links are found throughout a website and connect pages together. They help a search engine understand the importance of a page.

Robots.txt: Robots.txt is a file that contains instructions for search engines and crawlers on what to do with a website.

Content: The content of a webpage is an essential component of organic search engine optimization (SEO), as it helps search engines comprehend the page’s topic and relevancy. High-quality, well-written, and informative content can aid in enhancing a webpage’s exposure in search engine results, which can ultimately result in more visitors and conversions.

First and foremost, search engines use a page’s content to establish its relevance to a certain query. When a user conducts a search, search engines utilize complex algorithms to identify which pages are most relevant to the user’s query, and the content of a webpage is one of the determining criteria. Pages with high-quality, relevant, and instructive material are more likely to rank higher in search engine results than those without such content.In addition, the content of a website might affect how it appears in search engine results. Pages with schema markup or structured data can be displayed in a more informative and valuable manner, such as using rich snippets. This can boost the click-through rate (CTR) of the page, which can result in increased traffic.

Additionally, a website’s content might aid to enhance the user experience. Pages with high-quality, well-written, and interesting content can keep readers interested and on the page for longer, hence reducing bounce rates and increasing the possibility of conversions.

Noting that providing high-quality, well-written, and useful content is beneficial for both SEO and the user experience is essential. As search engines get more sophisticated, they place a greater focus on delivering the most relevant results to the user. Therefore, having well-written, informative, and valuable content will boost the number of visitors, the engagement rate, and the likelihood of conversions.

In conclusion, the content of a webpage is an essential component of organic search engine optimization. It helps search engines understand the page’s topic and relevancy, influences how a page is shown in search results, and enhances the user experience. Therefore, it is essential for website owners to prioritize the creation of useful, well-written, and high-quality content that is relevant to the intended audience.

Schema Markup: Schema markup code, often known as structured data, is a sort of code that can be added to a website in order to assist search engines in comprehending the page’s content and context. It is a form of microdata, which is a standardized collection of tags that can be added to HTML code, and it offers information about the page’s content in a format that search engines can readily read and comprehend.The primary use of schema markup is to give search engines with additional context regarding the page’s content. This can comprise information such as the type of content (e.g., article, product, event, etc.), the primary entities referenced on the page (e.g., persons, places, organizations), and the various features of those entities (e.g., ratings, reviews, prices).By giving this additional context, schema markup can aid search engines in better understanding the page’s content and displaying it in a more informative and useful manner in the search results. This may include rich snippets, which are enhanced search results displaying additional data such as reviews, ratings, and photographs.There are numerous forms of schema markup that can be employed, such as:

JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data)

Microdata RDFa (Resource Description Framework in Attributes)

To deploy schema markup on a website, one can utilize schema.org’s structured data vocabulary, which provides a standard collection of tags for describing the most common types of entities and their properties. There are also a number of tools available, such as Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper or Schema App, that can build and validate schema markup code.

It is essential to highlight that although schema markup can be advantageous for SEO, it is not a guarantee of higher search engine ranks. Schema markup is merely one of the many elements that search engines evaluate to establish the relevance and authority of a webpage; schema markup is not one of them. In addition, it is essential to adhere to the schema.org rules, monitor and test the code, and evaluate any implementation issues.

In conclusion, schema markup is a form of coding that may be added to a website to provide search engines with additional context about the page’s content. It’s a type of microdata that aids search engines in comprehending the content of a webpage and displaying it in a more informative and useful manner in the search results. However, it is essential to adhere to the rules, monitor and test the code, and evaluate potential implementation issues.

Keyword Phrases: What Do People Search For

Search terms, often known as keywords, are the words and phrases that users enter into search engines in order to locate the information they want. These phrases play a crucial part in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as they help search engines identify the topic and relevancy of a website’s content.

When developing content for a website, it is essential to undertake keyword research to establish which terms and phrases are most commonly used by visitors in relation to the website’s theme. This research can be conducted utilizing programs such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush, among others. Once the keywords have been selected, they should be incorporated naturally into the website’s content, meta tags, and URLs to communicate to search engines what the website is about.

Noting that employing too many keywords or using them in an unnatural manner is called “keyword stuffing” and can potentially impair a website’s SEO is also vital. Search engines have gotten increasingly adept at detecting and penalizing term stuffing, therefore it is essential to employ keywords in a way that is not just relevant but also beneficial to the user.

In addition to putting keywords into the website’s content, it’s also vital to optimize the website’s technical aspects such as meta tags, header tags, images, and URLs. This helps search engines understand the content’s structure and hierarchy, making it easier for them to index and rank the website in search results.

In conclusion, search phrases play an important part in SEO by offering context and meaning to search engines and assisting them in determining the relevancy of a website’s content. Therefore, it is essential to undertake keyword research, integrate keywords naturally into the website’s content, and optimize the website’s technical features for enhanced visibility in search engine results.


There are many different types of SEO techniques out there, but few are as important as Organic SEO. It is the foundation of any successful website. It takes time and patience to build up a site, and Organic SEO will ensure it stays relevant to your target audience and drives more traffic to your business.


Team 218 Web Services FAQ

Organic SEO FAQs

    1. What are the key benefits of implementing organic SEO strategies for my business?Organic SEO strategies offer several benefits, including:
      • Increased visibility in search engine results.
      • Higher website traffic.
      • Enhanced brand credibility.
      • Cost-effectiveness compared to paid advertising.
    1. How can I improve my website’s search engine rankings through organic SEO techniques?To improve rankings, focus on:
      • Optimizing on-page elements (meta tags, content, images) for relevant keywords.
      • Building high-quality backlinks.
      • Creating valuable content.
      • Ensuring your website is technically sound (fast loading, mobile-friendly).
    2. What are the most important on-page SEO factors I should focus on to enhance my website’s visibility?Key on-page factors include:
      • Optimizing title tags.
      • Crafting compelling meta descriptions.
      • Using relevant keywords naturally in content.
      • Maintaining a clean URL structure.
    3. What off-page SEO strategies can I employ to build high-quality backlinks and boost organic traffic?Effective off-page strategies involve:
      • Guest posting.
      • Influencer outreach.
      • Social media promotion.
      • Earning backlinks through valuable content and industry partnerships.
    4. How do I perform keyword research effectively to target the right audience through organic SEO?Effective keyword research involves:
      • Using tools like Google Keyword Planner.
      • Considering user intent.
      • Selecting keywords with the right search volume and competition level.
    5. What role does content marketing play in organic SEO, and how can I create SEO-friendly content?Content marketing is crucial for SEO. To create SEO-friendly content:
      • Produce high-quality, informative, and engaging content.
      • Address user queries.
      • Incorporate relevant keywords naturally.
    6. What are the common technical SEO issues that can impact my website’s organic search performance, and how can I address them?Common technical SEO issues include:
      • Slow loading times.
      • Broken links.
      • Duplicate content.
      • Poor mobile optimization.
        Use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix these issues.
    7. Can you explain the difference between organic SEO and paid advertising, and which is more suitable for my business?Organic SEO focuses on unpaid search results and builds sustainable, long-term traffic. Paid advertising involves paying for immediate visibility. Both have their place; the choice depends on your goals and budget.


    1. How can I measure the success of my organic SEO efforts and track the performance of my website?Key metrics include:
      • Organic traffic.
      • Keyword rankings.
      • Conversion rates.
      • Click-through rates.
        Use tools like Google Analytics and SEO software to monitor performance.
    2. Are there any current trends or algorithm updates in the world of organic SEO that I should be aware of to stay competitive in the market?Staying updated with SEO news is crucial. Keep an eye on:
      • Google algorithm updates.
      • Mobile-first indexing.
      • Voice search optimization.
      • The growing importance of user experience (Core Web Vitals).
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    About The Author

    Chuck checkmarkHi, I'm Chuck Hersey. I'm a partner at Team 218 Web Services and I created this content. I've been building websites and working with SEO projects for over 30 years. I started Team 218 in 2014 with a goal of offering quality, affordable websites to Iowa small businesses and nonprofit organizations. I wanted to provide a complete website package solution to make getting a website easy, fun, and affordable.

    You can contact me...